Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hey family,

I re-read my last email and realized it sounded kinda depressed. But I want to let you know that this week was a miracle week! Last Thursday we met a former investigator that I called for lunch, and on her record it said that she had a lot of interest, but no real potential because she already attends another church. We were able to meet with her and talk about why our church is different , and we gave her a book of Mormon and taught the restoration, and the spirit was like 'kick you in the face' awesome. And she's been reading and praying and i'm really excited! Grace and Mary came to church on Sunday, both of them asked about 500 questions about everything and really want to know more. We found 5 new investigators last week and 2 so far this week and we have still had time to start building really strong relationships with the members.
On of the members we're helping is Mh Ji Muih, she just got divorced from her husband (who has a lot of issues) and is trying to take care of her kids and overcome a lot of other personal issues. We meet with her and strengthened her testimony on covenants, and how God will always keep his promises. I think it helped her a lot. We're also meeting with a Thai lady, Paang Ji Muih, who's sons have stopped talking to her, and are not making very good choices, but we shared about alma the younger and how people can repent and turn around. Ah! I love how Kwun Tong is full of people that need help. It's like Heavenly Father is just giving us all these things to do, and we just pray and figure out how he wants us to do them. My testimony is growing about how much he leads this work :)

In other news.....My MOM is living with me again! Sister Darcey has gotten transferred to Tseung Kwan O, which is next to my area, so she lives in the same apartment as me. It's really cool. And it's good to sing together again. And in Kwun Tong I started guitar class! Tony and tze pui, Man-hei, and the elders (haha) are the only members so far, but they're all going to try and bring friends this week. Yay! new people to teach!!

So on Tuesday ELDER OAKS came to Hong Kong to speak to the missionaries. We all had to line up and take a picture with him, afterwards, we all had a turn to shake his hand. I hear when an apostle shakes your hand, he interviews your soul...haha. It wasn't as intense as I anticipated. But he did say some things I think you would like to know.

1) He repeated what elder Jeffery R Holland said to the missionaries last year, when he came to visit. "Hong Kong Missionaries" he said "are the BEST of the BEST". :O there you have it, straight from an apostle. I'm the best. You can never argue again. mwahaha.

2) he said that he, himself sometimes chooses where missionaries go, and because of the language and hardness of the mission, they don't send wimps here. Heavenly Father trusts us.

3) he talked about our relationship with heavenly father, and it was a really touching talk to me. I'll write more in a letter later.

Anyway, I looked at the blog, and I don't know if i'm allowed to do that, and it hasn't been updated in FOREVER! why are you slacking? Stop slacking. Put all the emails you missed up on there this week. And get on facebook and add all the Asian people that want to be friends with me. Everything else is going good. Working hard. Loving people. Can't wait to hear where Ryan got his call too, has he submitted his papers yet? I'm getting impatient.

Add Oil!

Sister Cook.

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