Wednesday, April 11, 2012

hello earthings

Jou San. Thanks for the email mom, glad to hear work is going well and that you guys are fishing a lot. That's one thing that I really miss, fishing, camping, and swimming. We need to do all those things when I go home. :)

This past week was pretty hectic. When we went to Stella's house to get her mom to sign her baptismal record, she said that she needed some time. Then she explained what it means to be baai sahn (ancestor worship/Buddhist). She said that she grew up with her religion and she want's Stella to do the same, but she also understands how important baptism is to Stella, which is why she's not saying flat out no. It's so HARD. Sister Darcey and I have been working our hardest to help Stella, and Satan keeps finding ways to put it off. But Stella's mom trusts us. She likes us a lot and we have brought some people over from church to talk to her. She has a really good view of the church...I think the best way to describe her feelings is say if you, your parents, and your parents parents all went to BYU, and then all the sudden your kid wants to go to Utah State. It's still a good school, but it feels like betrayal, so she needs time. Sister Darcey, Stella, and I all feel confident that it will happen soon. Maybe even still on Sunday, we will find out later tonight at guitar class.

Buddhism is also pretty crazy, from what she was describing. The way her parents did it was that they would cut their hands or sacrifice fingers to show their respect for their ancestors. It's soooooooooo sad. Stella's mom didn't practice that stuff, but it is crazy to think there are people that do. Stella has an older sister Jimmy, that we are starting to talk to the gospel about as well. We are so hoping that her entire family will eventually come to. Her brothers and sisters have SO much potential.

Anyway, JENNIFER blew my MIND this week. D and I were so nervous, because she is ready for baptism, but because of her job she cannot come to church on Sunday. So on Wednesday we planned to extend the commitment for her to quit her job, having the faith that god would help her to find a new one. Asking her to do that was probably the scariest thing i've ever done in my life. But she just accepted it. Like, "yeah, i've already fasted (WE HAVEN'T EVEN TAUGHT HER THAT YET!) and I am going to ut my notice in this week so I can get baptized.

AHHHHHHHHHH! I pretty much had a heart attack. It was amazing. She's coming to church this Sunday and Stella's baptism (if it happens) and It's crazy how little we have to do with those that are prepared. She's set for the 29th. Pray that that works out.

In other news, this month coming up is my 6 month mark on my mission. What? a third done? when did that happen? I got a few letters from some room mates this week and friends from college and learned that like pretty much all my friends are either married, engaged, or pregnant. It's kind of shocking. I don't think I want to come home because nothing is going to be the same. I'll be the weird RM with no friends because they all have like 20 kids to take care of. Soooooo weird.

You're all in my prayers, remember to return the favor. General conference is this weekend! I hope you all pay attention. I challange you to all go with a question, I know that through listening to the words of the prophet, you can recieve revelation! I'll be listening too, 8000 miles and a week later, but I can't wait! It will be awesome.


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