Tuesday, November 22, 2011



UH, FOR SOME REASON MY CAPS LOCK WILL NOT TURN OFF. oh ok, i figured it out. that was weird. anyway, happy thanksgiving! i am missing you all very much around the holidays but i think that thanksgiving at the mtc will be fun. we get to hear from some supposed apostle on Thursday, and we get to do some service and have a little extra time to write letters and such, so that's good. i guess I'll take a minute to tell you what i'm thankful for since i won't be around the table this year to do it. i love my family! you are all spectacular examples to me. everyone in my district has heard at least one story about the cooks, and they all seem to approve. haha. i wish i could be with you for thanksgiving (and aunt brenda's pink stuff). I am also grateful for little things like emails, showers, and the fact that my companions think poop jokes are funny. (p.s. i laughed soooooooooo hard about mitchells baptism comment). I am greatful for the truetts, who sent me some awesome bread this week along with some colorful pictures in it, i think luke or lilly drew Darth Vader, i really appreciate that one, it's hanging on my wall. i am also thankful for cocoa bean cupcakes courtesy of the grovers! (chrissy/ma grover, if you are reading this, i need your address! and i love you!)   i am grateful to be able to attend the temple weekly. I'm thankful for everyone who pays tithing, i'm grateful for the lord and i'm grateful for this opportunity to serve him! I'm grateful for prayers and answers to them, and i am so grateful to be where i am right now.  i am happy :)

so the language is coming.....along. haha. it's really hard. i'm not going to lie. i think heavenly father has an awesome sense of humor sending me to a mission where people talk 800 miles an hour. seriously. it's ridiculous. but i had the opportunity to fast this week. i know that as i focus and try my very best, heavenly father will come in and fill in all the gaps. he can take me the rest of the way. it's weird but i swear, when we are teaching lessons to our investigators, i am able to remember words that i was never able to remember beforehand, just because i needed to say them right then. i think my hardest trial at this point is just staying focused all the time, its really hard to study when you have a district as hilarious as mine is, but i know if i work my hardest i'll be able to master this language. I grow to love my companions more each day, though i know we have challanges, we always learn and overcome them with surprising speed. so i can't really complain about much.

being a sister missionary is awesome. i am filled with so much love for those around me, i am able to see people in the light that Christ sees them. when we got here, the mtc president said " if this isn't the hardest thing you have ever done, you aren't doing it right". i know that my desires to to good are going to be met with opposition, but the beautiful part of that is, i know if i try my best that i'll always overcome! I'm so glad i decided to serve a mission. i know it's where the lord wants me to be and i know my life would feel empty without it.

i have a huge favor to ask for mom: can you send me some contacts? i really like wearing them when i work out. and i've been wearing my glasses every day, but i didn't bring enough to last me the mission, two boxes would be awesome if that is at all possible, also i need sweater tights! my Florida legs are not meant to suffer in this cold. (it's been snowing this week). i think my prescription is +4.75 mom, if you don't have it written down. and i promise to write the kids individual letters on thursday!

here is my very short testimony in Cantonese (without the tones, because i have no idea how to type those):

ngoh jidouh yeh sou gei duk ge fuk yam haih jahnshatge. ngoh ngoi mouh yih mhun ging haih sahn ge wa. ngoh ji douh gating haih whingyhun tuhngmaai haih tinfuh gaiwhakge hatsam.

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